Our Services


  • • Marriage

    • Family

    • Reunification Therapy

    • Adolescents

    • Enneagram Testing

  • -Holistic Approach with a Christian Emphasis:

    Emphasize the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit.

    Consider overall well-being and the intersection of spiritual beliefs with mental health.

    -Active Listening:

    Practice non-judgmental active listening.

    Create a safe space for clients to express spiritual beliefs and concerns.

    -Exploration of Beliefs:

    Encourage clients to articulate their spiritual beliefs and identify areas for growth.

    -Meaning and Purpose:

    Explore meaning and purpose based on spiritual foundations.

    Align personal values with life goals.

    -Crisis and Loss Support:

    Provide support during crises, integrating spiritual comfort.

    Help find meaning in spiritual beliefs during loss.

    -Values-Based Decision Making:

    Assist in decision-making based on spiritual values.

    Explore ethical dimensions of choices.

    -Cultural Sensitivity:

    Be culturally sensitive to diverse spiritual backgrounds.

    Understand cultural and religious influences on spiritual journeys.

    -Guidance and Mentorship:

    Provide guidance for spiritual growth.

    Connect clients with relevant resources.

    -Integration with Traditional Therapy:

    Collaborate with mental health professionals for a comprehensive approach.

    Integrate spiritual counseling with traditional therapeutic methods.

    -Self-Reflection and Self-Care:

    Encourage self-reflection in the spiritual journey.

    Promote self-care aligned with spiritual principles.

  • -Relaxation and Stress Reduction:

    Promotes relaxation by easing tension in muscles.

    Reduces stress hormones, promoting a sense of calm.

    -Improved Circulation:

    Enhances blood flow, aiding in the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to tissues.

    Helps in the removal of waste products from the body.

    -Muscle Pain Relief:

    Alleviates muscle soreness and discomfort.

    Targets specific areas of tension or pain.

    -Increased Range of Motion:

    Enhances flexibility and joint mobility.

    Loosens tight muscles, improving overall movement.

    -Enhanced Immune System Function:

    Stimulates lymphatic circulation, supporting the immune system.

    May contribute to better overall health and resistance to illness.

    -Improved Sleep Quality:

    Induces a state of relaxation conducive to better sleep.

    Reduces insomnia and promotes overall sleep quality.

    -Release of Endorphins:

    Triggers the release of endorphins, the body's natural painkillers.

    Generates feelings of well-being and happiness.

    -Reduction of Headaches:

    Alleviates tension in the neck and shoulders, reducing headache frequency.

    Addresses muscular contributors to tension headaches.

    -Injury Rehabilitation:

    Supports recovery from injuries by promoting blood flow to affected areas.

    Complements other rehabilitation efforts.

    -Improved Posture:

    Relieves muscle imbalances contributing to poor posture.

    Promotes awareness of body positioning.

    -Enhanced Body Awareness:

    Encourages mindfulness and awareness of body sensations.

    Fosters a mind-body connection.

    -Customized Techniques:

    Utilizes a variety of massage techniques tailored to individual needs.

    Addresses specific issues, such as sports injuries or chronic pain.

    -Client Education:

    Provides guidance on self-care practices between sessions.

    Offers tips for maintaining muscular health.

    -Professional and Ethical Standards:

    Adheres to industry standards for hygiene and professionalism.

    Respects client confidentiality and boundaries.

    -Collaboration with Healthcare Providers:

    Works in conjunction with other healthcare professionals when necessary.

    Communicates with clients about their overall health and well-being.

  • Personal Budget Counseling:

    -Financial Assessment:

    Evaluate current income, expenses, and debts.

    Identify spending patterns and areas for improvement.

    -Goal Setting:

    Collaborate with clients to establish short-term and long-term financial goals.

    Prioritize goals based on urgency and importance.

    -Budget Development:

    Create a realistic budget that aligns with income and goals.

    Allocate funds for essentials, savings, and discretionary spending.

    -Expense Tracking:

    Introduce tools or methods for tracking daily expenses.

    Analyze spending habits and identify potential savings opportunities.

    -Debt Management:

    Develop strategies for tackling existing debts.

    Provide guidance on debt consolidation or negotiation with creditors.

    -Emergency Fund Planning:

    Emphasize the importance of building and maintaining an emergency fund.

    Set achievable savings targets for emergencies.

    -Savings and Investments:

    Explore options for savings accounts, investments, or retirement accounts.

    Educate clients on the power of compounding and long-term savings.

    -Credit Score Improvement:

    Educate on factors affecting credit scores.

    Suggest actions to improve and maintain a healthy credit score.

    -Financial Education:

    Offer resources and workshops on personal finance.

    Provide tips for financial literacy and responsible money management.

    -Review and Adjustment:

    Regularly review and adjust the budget as circumstances change.

    Encourage ongoing communication and feedback.

    Professional Budget Counseling:

    -Business Financial Assessment:

    Evaluate the company's current financial health.

    Analyze income, expenses, and profitability.

    -Profitability Analysis:

    Identify areas of the business contributing to profit and loss.

    Assess the return on investment for various business activities.

    -Cash Flow Management:

    Develop strategies for effective cash flow management.

    Ensure a balance between income, expenses, and reserves.

    -Expense Control:

    Review and optimize operational expenses.

    Identify cost-saving measures without compromising quality.

    -Financial Forecasting:

    Create financial projections based on realistic assumptions.

    Plan for potential challenges and uncertainties.

    -Debt and Liability Management:

    Evaluate existing business debts and liabilities.

    Develop plans for debt reduction or restructuring.

    -Investment Strategies:

    Explore opportunities for business investments and expansions.

    Assess risks and potential returns for strategic decisions.

    -Employee Financial Wellness Programs:

    Implement programs to support employees' financial well-being.

    Provide resources and counseling for personal financial issues.

    -Tax Planning:

    Work with accountants to optimize tax planning strategies.

    Identify eligible deductions and credits.

    -Continuous Financial Monitoring:

    Implement regular financial reviews and performance assessments.

    Adjust financial strategies based on market conditions and business growth.


Our Mission is to provide integrative services using a holistic approach with individuals and families that promote health and healing the WHOLE person - mind, body, soul, and spirit.


Our goal is to make a positive impact in our community through health and wellness implements that people find fulfilling.


To be a part of health in a community where people can seek healing without stigma, where the fractured can become whole, and where inner peace and understanding can be found. 



Andrea Rice

Ashton Underdahl

Craig Rice

Brittany McCrite

Jenna Praggastis

Michaela Sumner

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  • "Because of you, Andrea, I've learned how to set boundaries for myself."

  • "She provides effective self-care rituals, including a well thought out ergonomic and stretching program to promote strong mental, physical and spiritual well-being.”

  • "You just knew what questions to ask to help me find my core issue - thank you."

  • “Ashton provides a pathway for new leaders and young professionals to quickly increase their business acumen. She also provides critical guidance on how to manage the demands of work and life."

  • "You've helped us become more intentional in our relationship."

  • “Ashton delivers practical guidance for a foundation of healthy lifestyle, work satisfaction, and physical exercise backed by science..."

  • "I can see such a change in my teenager since they've been seeing you."

  • "You've helped me so much. You've gotten me to such a better place in my life."

  • "Ashton successfully unveils meaningful, balanced, and practical techniques to be used both professionally and personally."